
Why are Trulli del Bosco so appreciated by our guests?
Below you will find all the colors, sensations and thoughts of people who have spent a few days or weeks at the Trulli del Bosco and why they loved this place.
All the Trulli del Bosco reviews have been taken from Airbnb, Tripadvisor and Booking and they were written by real travellers hosted by our b&b.


Julia, New York

Susan, Australia


Sharon, Uk


Kate, Uk


Patricia, France


Vanessa, USA


Erin, Canada


Andrea, Hawaii


Chris, Uk


Katya, Russia


Kate, Uk

Ruben Belgium


Lisa, Sweden


Grace, USA


Elisa, UK


Mary, California


Antony, UK


Rae, North Carolina


Brigitte, Netherland


Marina, Germany


Liz, New Zeland


Lindsy, Ireland


Alisan, Usa